IEEE International Symposium on the Internet of Sounds
30 September – 2 October 2024 // Erlangen, Germany


It is your responsibility to carefully review and understand the policies.




Per IEEE ComSoc Policy, for each accepted work to be published in the IEEE IS2 2024 Proceedings, at least one author is required to register at the AUTHOR FULL CONFERENCE REGISTRATION fee.

In the case of multiple accepted papers, one AUTHOR FULL CONFERENCE REGISTRATION is valid for up to two accepted papers. A new registration is required for more than two paper submissions.

The paper must be presented by an author named on the paper. If all authors of a paper are NOT available to present the paper at the conference, the Technical Program Committee can grant permission in some cases to have the paper presented by a qualified substitute presenter or by a prerecorded video. If you need to make such a request, please send an email to Nils Peters no later than 20 September 2024 23:59 EDT.

Registration transfer requests must be provided in writing. All transfer requests received AFTER 20 September 2024 23:59 EDT will be charged an additional $100 USD. All registration transfers must be sent to Shirley Cisneros and include the authorization of the original registrant and confirmation that these transfers are between co-authors. Registration rate difference will apply depending on membership status of the new registration.

Authors are strongly encouraged to revise their paper(s) in consideration of reviewers' comments. Symposium/Track Chairs who are not satisfied with the final version may contact authors. The title, the list of authors and their listing cannot be changed after the paper is accepted without Technical Program Committee approval. Failure to abide by this policy may result in the removal of the paper from the final conference program.

The final version of accepted papers must be formatted to the standard 2-column IEEE layout and limited to 10 pages. The upload of the final camera-ready manuscript is due by 9 September 2024 23:59 EDT. Before contacting Symposium/Track Chairs for clarification regarding IEEE ComSoc policies, please review the applicable technical submission guidelines for the IWMM and IWNIA workshops and the IEEE IS2 2024 symposium.




All attendees have a duty to take reasonable care for their own safety when attending events and have a responsibility to ensure the safety of others if affected by their own activities.

Members of the IS2 2024 organizing committee strive to foster opportunities and participation in a respectful, prosocial environment. If you or your daily contacts have any common cold, influenza, Covid-19, or other symptoms, please consider that in the last 4 years, worldwide we have learned that SARS-CoV-2 poses different levels of risk to different people. Please do not hesitate to wear a fitted FFP2 mask: We understand that people wear a mask for different reasons. Taking a quick test for Covid-19 before attending events is advised.

Please see the IEEE Event Conduct and Safety Statement for Conferences statement for more information.




Cancellation and refund policies are at the Cvent IEEE IS2 registration site.


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